1.Our peers thought that our establishing shots were to light and un-threatening so they suggested that we grade the images so that they are darker and build on the idea that the trailer is for a horror.
2.They said they thought the clown (the killer) is introduced to early on in the trailer and they think it would be better if he was introduced near the end to create shock, but our best visual shots have the clown in and we really like using the spinning tunnel at the beginning as we find it quite chilling so we will have to discuss what we are going to do about this.
3.They said that they liked how the fast shots were edited but they think that we should use more of a variation between slow and fast. Perhaps a slow cut of the hands round the door in slow motion and then a quick shot of the clowns head close up, this would create building tension then shock.
4.They liked the titles that had been used but they thought we should explain more of the story with them, maybe use reviews as titles or a newspaper cutting with something like “mysterious deaths at local circus”
These are the results from the audience feedback questionnaires:

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